Sunday, May 1, 2011


Quotes from The Bravehearted Gospel Regarding Truth

"Truth does not stretch. It does not adapt. It does not placate. The Word of God is unchanging and does not shift in its meaning from generation to generation. Oh, we might want it to, but, like God, it is the same yesterday, today and forever." (page 118)

"The reluctance to acknowledge truth to be true or facts to be factual in no way alters the truth or the facts. But it does completely alter the way you interact with them, and therefore, the way you live your life." (page 123)

"But, according to the Bible, truth is neither a feeling nor some distant and detached idea; truth is a person - a person known as Jesus Christ, who wasn't distant but came and dwelt among us (John 14:6). He wasn't predictable, ... He wasn't heartless and uncaring, but in fact He gave up His life in order to bring us into an intimate acquaintance with Himself." (page 127)  

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