Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stephen Lungu, author of Out of the Black Shadows, preaching God's Word.

"Born in Zimbabwe to a Malawian father and Zimbabwean mother, Stephen had a devastating childhood, being abandoned by his parents at the age of six and placed in a cruel orphanage. In the years that followed, Stephen lived rough under a bridge, eventually forming a formidable and dangerous gang with other homeless kids, known as "the Black Shadows". Initially involved with petty crime, the gang later joined the political struggle in Zimbabwe against the "rebel regime". When a travelling evangelist came to town, the Black Shadows postponed their plan to bomb a bank frequented by white people, preferring to massacre everyone attending one of the Christian meetings. Armed with a bag of home-made bombs, hand guns, AK47s and knives, they sat at the back to initially disrupt the meeting. Then, instead of throwing the bombs, Stephen stayed to listen... ...the following events are more amazing than fiction. Watch this from start to finish and ... DARE TO BE CHALLENGED!"

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